Monday, February 05, 2007

The Wrong Impression

Don't worry, there is little chance of this blog becoming a social commentary. There are far too many amusing and ridiculous things that happen to the three of us for that to ever happen. However, I was just on my yahoo email and was surprised to see that London was jittery and in a state of high security alert. The story ( leads one to believe that England or, at least, London has security patrols and police running amuck looking for would-be terrorists and this latest blast has tensions high and people in shock.

I was startled because I hadn't heard about it all day, despite listening to the BBC (albeit Radio 1) on the way into, and the way home, from work. I quickly pulled up the BBC website to read more on the chaos that surrounds me. The incident didn't make any of the lead 10 stories, leaving me to wonder about this chaos that is reported to North America. It's all about Bird Flu today. And the consequence is that 154,000 turkeys have bigger worries than terrorism. The Beatles and Apple have settled their differences over the word "apple." Italian football is in crisis after a policeman was killed in football riots. There will be no more Mars bar ads directed at children (Jamie Oliver can take a bow, in part). And a lady who killed her boyfriend's cat got a suspended sentence. Oh the turmoil.

1 comment:

shivani said...

It didn't make CBC's headlines, either...