Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Taking Bookings

Our friend Rachel has been a star over the years. When I first came to Britain in 1999, I arrived in Southampton on a beat-up old motorcycle packed heavily (and, arguably, dangerously) with my bag and camping kit. I stayed with Karen, Catherine and Victoria. They generously put me up for absolutely ages. I probably wore out my welcome 3 times over, but they were too kind to ask me to leave. Amongst the friends I made during that time was Rachel. She's Welsh. Not having ever gone to Wales, she recommended it. In fact, she went a step further and suggested I stay with her parents in Wales. It turns out, her parents' kindness and willingness to take in strangers was akin to Rach, Karen, Catherine and Victoria...

I headed up to Wales, stopping briefly in Bath on the way to see what all the fuss was about. £10 entry to the baths at Bath meant I am still left wondering what all the fuss is about. I must correct that this time around.

Anyway, I showed up in the village of Ebbw Vale. You can't believe how kind Gareth and Sue were to me. Imagine if some 24-year-old guy rolled up on an old motorcycle, covered in oil and soaking wet to your parents' doorstep. They didn't know me. Heck, Rachel hardly knew me. I think back and it strikes me as incredible they had me in. Gareth helped me set various day itineraries around their region of Wales each night and Sue prepared me a pack lunch to take with me each day. It was unreal. Ange and I visited Gareth and Sue later when we were through Wales again. We still exchange post cards.

The point of my digression? Ange and I were quite excited about a planned trip to Wales this coming weekend. Sadly, Rachel has to move house in Southampton and can't get away. We quickly looked at re-booking our trip and I came to the sudden and somewhat distressing realisation: our next free weekend is in May. And we only have two free weekends in May. I need an online event registration system to manage our personal calendar (did anyone at Cambrian House read that?)!

I can't entirely figure out how we have managed to get ourselves so booked. Oma is coming. Grandma and Dziadek are coming. Erika is coming. My cousin Claire and Aunt Lynn are coming. Aunt Val and Uncle George will be here. We have two weddings. I have a stag weekend. We're going to Southampton, Mundesley, Dorset (twice) and Portugal. Ange is going to Exeter for work. I am going to Durham for work. I think we might need a holiday to relax from it all!

Today the sun is out and pouring into our front room. I'm working from home. I think Anna and I might feed the ducks at the river after nursery.

A couple of photos (just in case you're not actually reading and just want the photographic update)... Anna and Carys enjoy a lively game of pass-the-present, which was more like adventures-with-wrapping-paper:

Warren and Carla Rae stopped by on their way back from India. Anna likes Carla Rae (and Warren too!):

Facebook update? I have 15 friends: 11 non-family!

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