Friday, October 27, 2006

Interactive Blog Time

We have our first prize opportunity on the Zucchini or Courgette blog. The prize is British chocolate (of your choice… and if you don’t know, I can choose for you) posted directly to your door, regardless of where you live in the world.

On Wednesday, November 1, 2006 Anna will be given one small piece of each of the following at her lunchtime meal:

  • a small piece of Tesco’s finest gouda cheese slice

  • a small piece of organic banana (purchased likely from Waitrose)

  • a cheerio (sadly a Nestle product over here, rather than a General Mills… are they in cahoots?)

  • a small piece of organic avocado (likely to be purchased from Waitrose)

  • a small piece of organic kiwi fruit (likely a Tesco purchase)

All you have to do is choose which she will eat first, in whole or in part. Everything, except for the cheerio, will be approximately the same size (the cheerio will be cheerio-sized). She genuinely likes everything that is listed above, so we’re discovering what her favourite food is (this week). All you need to do to enter is post a comment with your full name (first and last (or last initial) please) and the food Anna will choose to eat first.

Anna is going to love this game as she will get all of her favourite foods in one meal!


Anonymous said...

Hey Ben, Ange and Anna,
So I think Anna will eat the banana piece in whole first. I'm convinced she'll eat that first because who wouldn't eat a piece of food that rhymes with your name??

Take care guys!
Robyn & Matt S.

Anonymous said...

Well, given that I've seen Anna go head-to-head with "The Chopper" in a cheerio eating competition, I'll have to say the cheerios will win.

Go Anna go!

Deliver the chocolates to 14427 Parkside Dr. :)

Luv Lisa B.

Anonymous said...

I'm going with the avacado. Cause Who can resist an avacado?

Katie E.

Anonymous said...

My first choice was avocado, but that's taken, so my second pick is gouda. Going with my own preferences (which seem to relate to fat content)
Lisa Q / Alpha Lisa

Anonymous said...

That leaves Kiwi. Not an obvious choice but it does have colour going for it. - Chris G

Anonymous said...

Opa and Oma vote for the cheerio, but we'll pass on the chocolate after we win.

Unknown said...

My vote is for banana, especially because it's organic. Robyn and Matt have a great point, although I'm not so sure she knows why she will choose it yet. With the governments reading "scheme" she will quickly learn about those rhyming words.

Erin Ed

Anonymous said...

Well I posed the question to Olivia and she is certain that Anna will eat the avocado first. Seeing as she is the closest in the house to Anna's age who can talk I am entering her guess. We are looking forward to the Galaxy Hazelnut you will be sending our way shortly. Happy eating Anna!
Lisa, Dave, Olivia and Nate Elder

Anonymous said...

Hi to the Fitch/Dudek family!

You will have to post more contests. They do get a lot of responses!

Having a son 1 week older than Anna, I will vote for the cheerio. Of course, Alex's food choices are not nearly as refined as Anna's!

Miss you guys!
Kristen (kb) Dawson