Sunday, October 15, 2006

Aluminium Baking Trays

Brita and Andrew left for us some baking trays when they left England. Very kindly, Dave and Tiff had them sitting at their house until we met up today at Dave's parents in Woking. In the very large paper bag was the perfect baking tray for cooking a bird. Now we have two. I had originally intended to buy an alumninum one for the Thanksgiving dinner. Jacqui, Anna and I had wandered the aisles of Tesco for many minutes before approaching a member of staff about the whereabouts of a full-size aluminum baking tray. We were sent in many different directions which resulted in nothing resembling what we were after... well, not exactly what we were after. We could buy one with a full chicken, mashed potato, carrots and broccoli dinner in it with a sealed top. We could also buy one with BBQ brickets and a flimsy grill. However, we couldn't find the tray on its own. Jacqui had been refering to them as 'aluminum,' so after three unsuccefful requests for help, I waded into the conversation to offer the translation to 'aluminium.' "Ah," said the lady, quite indignantly. "Naw we don't have them here in England that I've seen. It's a bit wasteful, innit?" As I stood there a bit perplexed that I could go buy a disposable BBQ in exactly the same thing that I was after, yet was being chastised for being a wasteful North American, the irony stung ever so slightly. But, I decided she was actually right. So I bought a permanent one. And now we have two.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

aluminum vs aluminium? Seriously, they are not that different! It's not like I was asking for zucchini instead of a courgette ;)

Miss you guys...