Monday, June 11, 2012

On closer inspection

Ange asked rhetorically on the way out the door what it would be like to sit, on my own for 9 hours. I hadn't considered it. But I was suddenly filled with a sense of anticipation. I would do nothing, of course! I wouldn't react to children crying. I would maybe drift off to sleep. I might play a game on my phone. I could watch a movie in relative peace. It would be, in a word, bliss.

Well, it turns out "bliss" is not an adjective easily applied to charter flights. I really can't blame Air Transat for my first disappointment. That will be chalked up to situational irony. I waited late to board and slowly made my way to row 19D. An aisle seat on the left side of three middle seats. And, in the middle seat? Yes, a 3 year old. My heart sank slightly, but I figure I'm well equipped for just this sort of seating result. I've covered for her mum, letting her go to the washroom I've helped guide stickers into a sticker book. I've been kicked excessively during the ever so brief nap time. I've had food spilled on me. And a drink. Questions have been asked of me with no inclination to hear the answer. It's been remarkably... familiar. I think her mum is pleased I don't get too worked up... and let's face it, I'm not responsible, so it's easy.

I was also keen to catch up on movies from Hollywood. Real shoot-em-up ones that Ange would never consider renting. However, the movie console in the back of the seat has not yet made it onto the Air Transat fleet of planes. Queue Mama Mia and The Artist on the faded CRT monitor screen 12 rows ahead. Just like old times, but hardly the good old days.

Then the food. Given the choice of simply, "Chicken, beef, or pasta", II opted for the beef. As the savings on an Air Canada flight suggests, expense was spared at this point in the in-flight experience. "Beef" was the colour I expected. There was a noticeable lack of beef though. I counted two pieces. One was entirely gristle. The salad still had ice crystals from the insufficient defrost and the bun suffered from a similarly cold presentation. In the end, I ate it all because I was so hungry. I just wish I hadn't opted to inspect it more closely.

It's all good though. I'm only hours from Waitrose. Being in the UK is always something I enjoy--and the feeling of walking out of the airport in England is one of those unique feelings of excitement that I love so dearly. Knowing that, there's little Air Transat can do to spoil the moment. As long as they invested more in airplane safety than they do in their customers' comfort, it's all good.

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