Thursday, May 06, 2010

So good to be back...

Gently prodding by a kind comment that I should write again, I am finally getting back on the wagon...

Vancouver was recently awarded the dubious title of being the least affordable place to live in the world. While I remain unconvinced that a view of the mountains makes that somehow worthwhile, we're settling into the life here. I can confirm that affordability does not make the "reasons to love Vancouver" check column. This lack of affordability is why my penchant for getting a regular Europe fix seems ever further from reality.

So, with Caleb about to turn two years old, we decided to hop a flight back to the UK to visit family and friends before he became full fare. Of course, implicit in him not being "full fare" is fact that he also doesn't get a seat either. Whether saving $1000 is worth having a nearly 2 year old on your lap for 10 hours is a matter of debate, though if one wouldn't miss $1000 I don't think there's actually much to discuss. As it turns out, we would miss $1000 and so Caleb traveled lap class and it felt more like a cattle car than ever for Ange, Anna and I. Thank goodness for those little TV screens in the back of the seats that they now do. Eight straight hours of Cailou is moderately palatable given the options available to you for entertaining a 2 year old boy in 2 square feet of space.

Arriving in England was like arriving home for me. We arrived with throngs of people, poured out of the arrivals doors and were greeted by both my sister and the smell of diesel fumes from the waiting taxis. I sucked it in, enjoying every last carcinogen. We plodded along in wonderful London traffic. It took us nearly 15 minutes to drive the 200 metres past the Tower of London and Tower Bridge and I savoured every second. I smiled at the realisation that pedestrians no longer had any rights outside of zebra crossing. Not even the economic crisis and government in turmoil worries that were on every radio station were going to turn me off my England high. Indeed, all it has served to do is lower the value of the pound and drive down house prices. Rather distractingly, this whole crisis only serves to tease me by making our overpriced 60-year-old bungalow in need of a new roof for a 400 year old thatched cottage in a village in the Thames valley.

The trip didn't lend itself to stories of action or adventure. Travelling with a 2 and 4 year old puts the brakes on a bit. It was mainly family and friends. Brilliant to see Emily, Armando and Stella, who know London so very well. We took in the Tower of London, which really is a fantastic little castle for the centre of a major city. Anna even saw a ghost thanks to the quick wits of one of the beefeaters who work there who realised she was looking for ghosts. We saw some London-based friends before going down to stay with old friends in Southampton and then stayed over a few days in Caversham with our very good friends from when we were there. It was both nostalgic and wonderful to be back in our little village. Then it was up to Norfolk to see Grandad, Sue and Sam... and of course Sid the Dog and Morris the Cat. Puddy the Cat was also there (so I'm told), but he didn't make a show in 5 days. The kids enjoyed long periods on the beach, a visit to a castle (how could you not?), several walks in ancient Norfolk villages (which always include a stop for coffee/hot chocolate), and a day on the rides at a proper English sea-side resort (we bought the tea towel). We ate an inordinate amount of take-away curry and stopped at all the shops we miss: John Lewis, Next, M&S and, of course, Waitrose. It's almost worth going to England just to do your grocery shopping at Waitrose.

It was all very much escapism from our lives in Vancouver. Moreso than one might imagine, considering my highlights above include a trip to a grocery store. Still, now we're back. Vancouver seems even less affordable when one dwells on London seeming cheaper (clearly, I'm apt to dwell) though the view of the mountains hasn't changed. Our house still needs a new roof. That said, Ange and I are excited to be nearing the time when our friends outside of Vancouver start making summer plans that include Vancouver. So, I'd like to officially declare our house open to visiting friends. We can promise a remotely comfortable bed, good company, good food and few babysitting responsibilities.


Kristi-Bisti said...

It is "so good to be back!"

I love reading about your non-adventurous adventures.

Say hi to Ange for me.


Anonymous said...

Wonderful!!! You are truly a gifted story teller and I am glad you have started writing again.