Wednesday, April 09, 2008

Go Flames Go

Rarely is the time difference between Alberta and Berkshire more poignant than during the few weeks where the Flames are still 'alive' in the playoffs. I am about to turn into a zombie, setting the alarm for 3am to watch Kipper vs. the Sharks.

Tonight, Anna and I celebrated the impending playoff series by doing a little dance and cheer in our matching Flames jerseys (yes, she'll be wearing hers to nursery tomorrow too). This tells it all:

Of course, this sort of playoff happiness will not be known at the Brake house. In fact, there is strong and compelling evidence that being forced to cheer for the Oilers is a starkly different experience (noting Graham's mood at his Oiler hat):


Unknown said...
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Anonymous said...

Krzys has also strongly supported Calgary Flames till the time he it fit him :)
