Anna came to life at the site of all the airplanes. She is a bit of an airplane freak. Every time you hear a plane, she comments (often before you can see it), "Airplane! Flying!" And then she scans the sky to find the plane. It was genuinely exciting at the start of this trip. It was fun to be with chi-chi (phonetic English of the Polish word for aunt) Magda, chi-chi Tanya and Marcus. It was fun to have Anna so deleriously excited at the mere site of planes where there were indeed many planes. It was exciting to go back to Krakow. It was exciting not to have to endure a budget airline, since the British Airways flight was a mere £10 more than Ryan Air for the family! There is something strangely reassuring about being assigned a seat on a plane. I've never really been overly encouraged by the Bulgaria to Romania bus-style rush-seating mentality to Ryan air.
Ange and I sat together. We had a window and middle seat. It was tight, but not as bad as Easy Jet. Plus, drinks and snacks were included. So, after about an hour, the flight attendant came by offering coffee, tea and an assortment of juices and fizzy drinks. I opted for coffee. It had been hours and I was into a caffeine withdrawal headache. Anna quickly pointed at my paper cup, exclaiming, "hot!". "Yes," I agreed, adding "it's coffee."
Anna took approximately 2 seconds to decide she wanted coffee. "Anna. Coffee. Please." I tried to explain that coffee was not a drink she would have much interest in. It was hot. And, it was yucky. Trapped in the tiny space and overwhelmed by the persistence of a 19 month old saying please was too much. Have you seen her eyes?
Ange and I agreed that after one sip, she'd be so revolted by the drink, she'd probably not want another sip til she was in her teens. I gave her a sip. To the amusement of the lady sitting beside us (and probably not our friends in the health care professions), Anna loved it. Perplexed, I was forced into dumping my coffee down my throat to minimise the amount of coffee Anna would get. She drank at the empty cup for a full 5 minutes after I had handed it over to her. And then, for the whole trip, the sight of a coffee was enough for Anna to be requesting her fair share.
On arrival, Poland was fantastic. Krakow is truly one of gems of this world. It is a little frayed around the edges, but has so much character. It always feels like there is so much to discover about it. The wedding in Meleic was amazing (photo is of 'cousin' Ola and Anna at the wedding). The hospitality shown by our 'family' was almost embarassing, it was so generous.

There were also the usual highlights of being in a different country. A couple of personal favourites were the petrol station called "Krak Gaz." We didn't stop at Krak Gaz for petrol, which was unfortunate since it would have been ideal to get a photo of myself in front the sign before English becomes prevelant enough in Krakow that they're forced to rename. Another was a business that had gone under, leaving a dilapitated shell of a building sitting at the side of the road. The ill fated business was called "Driver Bar," and one can only assume that the modern pressures to crack down on drinking and driving probably had something to do with the demise of a bar on a highway in the middle of nowhere.
Hey Ben, I was wondering if you could pass on some traveling with a 20 month old advice! we are heading to the maritimes next week - taking a direct red-eye from Calgary to Halifax. Maybe you would have some tips that are more creative than the super extra strength Benadryl I was planning on!
Ben, you write the best commentaries. I love coming to this site and seeing how big Anna is getting and how yo and Ange are doing. I miss you guys so much. If things weren't as frayed around here right now I think I'd have Hank bring me over to visit and spend some time with you guys. How goes the house. Is it finalized? I'm praying for you both that it is and you will be homeowners soon.
love you lots
miss you more
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