Monday, July 02, 2007


It is a good thing that Anna is fed a balanced diet at nursery. There are a couple of home favourites which we find ourselves defaulting to more often than we probably ought to.

First is yogurt. She has a near obsession with yogurt, now known in our house as 'oh-dirt'. It is requested at nearly every meal, though we try to balance how often we actually give it to her. It's tough to deny a kid natural, organic yogurt though. It's not like she's asking for some edible oil product marketed by ruthless ad agencies for maximum profit on food that is high in saturated fats and completely absent of nutritional value. It's natural yogurt. The carton has flowers, sunshine and a cow on it for crying out loud. Still, with the 'everything in moderation' mantra playing in the back of my mind, oh-dirt is only available once a day.

The other is porridge. Like the oh-dirt above, hardly seems a sinful indulgence for a child. Still, we're often able to add fruit to the porridge. Blueberries change the colour of the porridge too. But the girl can eat an astonishing amount of porridge. Breakfast is basically porridge. We can try to offer other things, but that is best done with a partial porridge offering. To make ourselves feel slightly better, we opt now for organic porridge. Luckily, (let's face it) even expensive porridge is pretty damn cheap.

So, another interactive blog (not understanding? see past post here)? Possibly. That certainly generate more interest that anything else we've done since arriving. Keep an eye on this space.

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