Thursday, May 17, 2007

More Housing Stuff

Our good friend Erin is renting our house in Calgary. I've just spoken with her and she is short of a roommate. Erin is absolutely lovely and one of our bestest friends. She's a professional (teacher), quiet and clean. The house itslelf is also quite nice. It is in central Calgary, near Marda Loop, in an area called Garrison Woods. Most of you know the details. In fact, most of you have probably been there.

Does anyone know of a nice, quiet-ish professional friend who would like to live in Garrison Woods for entirely reasonable rent? If so, please get in touch and I will pass you along to Erin.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey! I am looking for a place to live! I am quiet, responsible, but unfortunately, not professional. Think Erin would like living with me?

Lisa Q