Interestingly, 1707 was when the Act of Union was signed by the
English and Scottish parliaments. A lot has happened since but never has there been an April as warm as the one that Ange, Ben and Anna have spent lounging in Caversham-on-Thames. Lounging might not, however, be the word for the next month. We have only 4 days in all of May without guests: watch this spot for adventures as we head out on numerous road trips (hoorah!). Then, the first week in June, we go to Stockholm. And today Ange informed me that I won't see her for the rest of June because work will be so mental. We're looking forward to seeing each other in July.
For those that are still inwardly smiling at the thought of me crawling through the trunk of our Passat every day to get into the car, you will be somewhat disappointed to hear that the car has inexplicably fixed itself. Suddenly the key works and the alarm has sorted itself out. I do not understand. I'm not unhappy, but I do not understand.
A couple of weekends back, we took Anna to the beach for the first time that she was able to take part (she has been as a wee baby in Vancouver last year). You will note that none of us look particularly warm. This is because, despite being the warmest April in 300 years, England is fundamentally not that warm. Still, Anna was well pleased with the size of this particular sandbox.

More photos have been added to the photo library (remember to scroll to the bottom for the most recent)!
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